Rat and lagomorph eradication on two large islands of central Mediterranean: differences in island morphology and consequences on methods, problems and targets
Sposimo, P.
Capizzi, D.
Cencetti, T.
De Pietro, F.
Giannini, F.
Gotti, C.
Puppo, F.
Quilghini, E.
Raganella Pelliccion, E.
Sammuri, G.
Trocchi, V.
Vagniluca, S.
Zanichelli, F.
Baccetti, N.
Montecristo and Pianosa islands, although approximately equal in surface area (c. 1,000 ha), di?er greatly in substrate, human presence, vegetation and altitude (650 m vs. 30 m asl, respectively). The former island hosts one of the largest yelkouan s